Photo: David Dalena

Photo: Lois A. Glaser

Photo: David Dalena

Photo: David Dalena
2024 - 2025 Dues Reminder
Just a reminder for those who may not have paid their West Harbor Pond Watershed Association dues for the 2024-2025 year, those dues may be paid at any time. To do so, just go to the Join Page.
The West Harbor Pond 2024 Fishing Derby
The 2024 WHP Fishing Derby is now over, with several big catches!
For all of the details of the contest results, with photos, go to the

Christopher Neary's winning 19" Large Mouth Bass from July (Youth) - A Whopper!
WHPWA Annual Meeting Held
The West Harbor Pond Watershed Association Annual Meeting was held Sunday, August 4, 2024, at the Blakeslee residence. Our speaker this year was Rebecca Jacobs, Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District and Boothbay Region Water District. For all of the details, go to WHPWA Meeting Notes.
2023-2024 has shortest "ice-in"
The winter of 2023-2024 set a new local record for the shortest "ice-in" period, a mere 47 days. For all of the details and some current news information on the topic, go to the WHPWA Water Quality/Ice Coverage page.
West Harbor Pond is a beautiful 84-acre freshwater lake in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Designated and protected by the state as a Great Pond, it is home to an abundance of fish and wildlife.
As part of the watershed connecting Knickerbocker Lake to Boothbay Harbor's inner harbor and the Gulf of Maine, West Harbor Pond is a pathway for migrating alewives and glass eels. The population of large- and small-mouth bass and white perch keeps fishermen busy.
The Pond is a bird lovers’ paradise with regular sightings of bald eagles, osprey, owls, blue heron, loons, and white egrets. It is home to kingfishers, cormorant, and an ever-changing population of ducks including buffleheads, wood ducks, and other migratory waterfowl. Along its shores, deer, wild turkey, fox, and mink are plentiful. Turtles and beaver make their home in the Pond. See examples of Pond wildlife in our Photo gallery.
West Harbor Pond is also a place of stillness. State law prohibiting motorized craft over 9.9 hp means that there are few motorboats on the Pond. Most folks venture out in canoes, kayaks, paddleboards, rowing shells, and row boats when they wish to enjoy the benefits of this special place.
We might think of West Harbor Pond mostly in the warmer seasons, but in winter it becomes a special place as winter weather turns it into a home for winter's special seasonal activities as well.
Summer on the Pond
- Swimmers of all ages gliding through clear water
- Fishermen in kayaks, boats, and on the shore--and the Fishing Derby!!!
- Children splashing and laughing as they jump from floats or rope swings
- Ladies gathering in kayaks to enjoy a leisurely paddle and cocktail hour
- Vacationing and resident dogs love to swim, too...
- Wildlife: Osprey flying overhead or diving for a meal. Herons on shore tending their clutch. Beavers swimming, carrying bottom plants for lunch. A pair of loons swimming and diving. "Glenn" and "Frye", our resident bald eagles. Mallards, cormorants, gulls, turtles, and on it goes.
Be a part of the WHPWA community.

Loons on the Lake
In the Summers of 2022 through 2024 West Harbor Pond became the pond of choice for a loon couple to bear and raise its chick! Please visit the WHPWA website News Page to learn more and to see photos of the 2022 happy family.
WHPWA and the Lakes Stewards of Maine
In 2025, the WHPWA will continue in its relationship with the Lake Stewards of Maine, the organization that oversees the collection of water quality data from lakes across the state. We have been collecting and providing water transparency data to LSM since 2010. Beginning in 2022 we have been providing our temperature and dissolved oxygen data to LSM.
In May 2022 West Harbor Pond was featured as the “Lake of the Month” on the LSM’s website, where they posted an article about the Pond on their home page. You can read this article at https://www.lakesofmaine.org/featured-lakes.html .
For more information about the WHPWA relationship to the Lake Stewards, go to the Lake Stewards page on this website.

Loon photo by Lois Glaser

Moonlight Paddles On West Harbor Pond
The first Moonlight Paddle for the 2025 season will be scheduled for April, 2024.
© 2025 by West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.